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volunteer opportunities

We have so many opportunities for volunteers this year and we welcome interested members to join us.  We are making our way through the list of interested volunteers and encourage any of you who may not have completed the volunteer interest form to take a few moments and do so.  The benefits gained from volunteering touch so many.  As a volunteer, you gain satisfaction and recognition for your service, you gain experience in working with other chapter members and you broaden your connections.  With your help, programs and initiatives, like the ones listed below, can be realized and completed, which benefits the receivers, the chapter, our region and ICF as a whole. If you have completed the volunteer interest form and have not heard from us, yet, you will be hearing from Volunteer Services, later in April.  You will learn more about Volunteer Services and the process that we are adopting, moving forward. It is our hope that this effectively serves you and the chapter.

Director of Coaching Equity:

Join us as a Director of Coaching Equity and help shape the future of our chapter! You'll play a pivotal role in advancing our mission. This includes elevating awareness around the crucial role of equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging in coaching, empowering coaches to undergo transformative journeys for both personal and professional growth, and fostering a tight-knit community where all chapter members can connect and thrive.

As the Director of Coaching Equity, you will set and implement an EDIB vision, strategy and metrics for the chapter in collaboration with the board. You will enable Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging (EDIB) to be embodied in our chapter’s leadership, mindsets, values, and actions, so that EDIB can be deployed in all spheres of the chapter’s work, including but not limited to coaching and leadership development, equitable access to coaching services or coaching training, community development services and structures. This role will create and facilitate a volunteer Equity Working Group to support this important work as well as lead facilitators of our BIPOC Coaches Connect program. This role will work with ICF Global to learn about and implement Global EDIB initiatives, goals, and programs. In addition, this role serves as part of the Executive Board.

We are seeking individuals who have a depth and breadth of understanding of EDIB, anti-racism, different forms of racism, intercultural competence, organizational culture development, stakeholder engagement strategies and community building/community-orientation. Must be able to work with people at different stages of EDIB maturity, and be a strong collaborator. Prefer experience leading diverse teams. Must be a practicing coach and understand the coaching industry. Must be an ICF Global Member in good standing and ICFWA Member in good standing and committed to ICF and ICFWA’s ethics, bylaws, and excellence. We're seeking individuals who thrive in dynamic environments, embrace ambiguity and proactively seize opportunities to make a difference. Estimated time commitment is 15-20 hours a month.

Join us in creating meaningful change and leaving a lasting legacy in our coach community. We are seeking someone able to start this volunteer position immediately and will accept applications until EOD Friday, July 26th. Please send your resume or LinkedIn page/website detailing your background, and a brief statement of interest, including why this role is meaningful to you, and how you can add value to the role, a brief narrative of your journey in equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging and anything that speaks to you about our mission and values, and if the role you are interested in becomes unavailable, would you be open to other roles to

New Member Buddy Program: 

We are in need of volunteers to be Buddies, for our new ICFWA members.  Buddies introduce new members to our ICFWA chapter, our website, all of our chapter’s offerings, including upcoming events and other opportunities to meet chapter members. This is a great opportunity to welcome new members and help them begin their chapter experience in a positive and inviting manner. 

For any of the roles above, please fill out our volunteer interest form, specifying the role you are interested in, and follow other application instructions if applicable. To help us with best-fit matching, be sure to fill out all the fields in the form. We look forward to hearing from you!

What You Get:

  • Great opportunities to Network with Businesses, with Speakers, Authors, our Allied Community, other Coaches, Coaching Schools and potential clients, depending on what type of coaching you do.
  • To make a real and valuable difference to our Chapter.
  • A chance to dip your feet in the water and see if you might like to join the Board at some point.
  • To meet amazing people and make life long friendships.  There is no Seattle Freeze at ICFWA.
  • Often volunteers get discounts on events.
  • Work with a team, practice and learn amazing leadership skills.
  • A good feeling, knowing that we need you, depend on you, and really want to meet you soon!

We have many volunteer opportunities available  

    • Do you want to help our chapter grow and be a thriving community?
    • Do you have only a few hours a month or many hours a month?
    • Are you looking for ways to give back to your chapter?
    • Are you a person who likes to feel a sense of accomplishment?
    • Do you want to Network at a much deeper level? 
    • Are you burning to share your talents?  

Reach out to find what works best for you through this form.