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President:  The President, guided by ICF Washington State’s strategic initiatives, sets the vision for the Chapter and oversees the day-to-day operation as that vision is carried out by all board and committee members. The President provides leadership to oversee the management of the affairs, funds, and property of ICF Washington State and to uphold the code of ethics as defined by the International Coach Federation.  The President presides at all meetings of the Board and of the Chapter and is the official communication channel for the Chapter.

The President shall sign instruments or documents that are lawfully executed on behalf of the Chapter. The President encourages coach training and credentialing to increase the professionalism of coaching, and promotes the benefits of ICF Washington State membership to support membership growth.  The President attends the annual ICF Conference.  In case of the absence or disability of the President, or at the President’s or Board’s request, the President Elect or one of the Vice Presidents may be appointed to perform some or all of the President’s duties. Must be a credentialled ICF member of the Chapter and have served on the Board in the role of President Elect for one full year in the past two years.

Past President: To foster continuity of leadership, the President shall serve on the Board of Directors for one year following her/his term as the immediate Past President. The Past President provides historical perspective on process and procedure. The Past President coaches and mentors the Board members to success in their area and towards succession planning. Serves an ambassador to promote leadership opportunities for the Board of ICF Washington State. The Past President chairs the nominating committee, develops incoming Board slate and manages the process for electing the incoming Board officers. Must be a credentialled ICF member of the Chapter. 

Proposed Past-President Committees:

·       Board Slate Nominating Committee

President Elect: The President Elect works closely with the President in preparation for his/her own term serving as President. The President Elect is prepared to assume the office of the President or temporarily act in that position at any time. The President Elect may be responsible for overseeing the activities and progress of various committees, programs and initiatives as directed by the President. Must be a credentialled ICF member of the Chapter and have served on the Board for one full year in the past two years.

Proposed President-Elect Committees:

·    Strategic Planning Committee

·    Annual Leadership Retreat Planning Committee

Director of Finance:  The Director of Finance shall oversee and perform the Chapter’s official financial transactions, including check signing.  The Director is responsible for managing the fee-for-service Bookkeeper and CPA. The Director is responsible for the oversight of financial records of the Chapter’s accounts in accordance with Generaly Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The Director of Finance shall take the lead in developing ICF Washington State’s annual budget, shall make recommendations for investment instruments, shall provide the Board an updated financial report each month and shall participate, with the Executive Board, in advising the feasibility of chapter expenditures and applying internal financial controls to help ensure PSCA’s fiscal responsibility to its members. The Diretor of Finance manages the registration accounting at each monthly program. The Director of Finance fascilitates the financial vehicles utilized by the website, ensuring accuracy and reporting standards are in place.  Must be a credentialled ICF member of the Chapter.

Proposed Director of Finance Committees:

·    Budget Committee

·    Registration Cash Box Committee

Purpose: The Secretary assures that Board meetings are recorded and comply with chapter bylaws.

Key Responsibilities:

·  Records and distributes the minutes of Board meetings.

·  Serves as a member of the Executive Committee.

·  Provides the oversight and maintenance of the official corporation records of the Chapter. Official records include bylaws, tax statues records, incorporation papers, meeting agendas, minutes, policies, procedures, monthly program announcements, Board decisions, guidelines, financial reports and other proceedings of the Board and Chapter

·  Submits the annual ICF report of Chapter activities.

·  Provides leadership to engage and seek legal counsel for compliance to non-profit corporation regulations and other legal matters.

·  The Secretary or members of committee distribute CCEU’s to attendees of Chapter Events and/or chapter sponsored teleseminars.

Reports to: ICF Board at monthly meetings currently held on the third Thursday from 10-Noon at the Crossroads shopping center Community Room. This day, time and location can change with Board approval.  During the board meetings, the Secretary takes minutes and asks questions or provides feedback on matters of voting or procedures. This Director must be an ICF member of the Chapter.

Length of Appointment: Two years and may be reappointed for another term.

Board of Directors

Director of Education & Credentialing(vacant, 2016)

Purpose: The Director of Education and Credentialing has overall responsibility for identifying an annual calendar of credentialed educational events for the chapter. This Director works closely with Satellite leaders, sponsorship, web, newsletter, finance and membership Directors to assure coordinated, professional, credentialed and timely events with sponsorship support are presented to the members. 

Key Responsibilities: 

  • Selecting CCEU-worthy professional development.
  • Securing CCEU’s for professional development.
  • Answering questions about programming regarding credentialing.
  • Creating and chairing a working Education & Credentialing committee that meets monthly or as needs arise. Other Board members are able to assist with identifying potential committee members as needed.
  • Charges a sub-committee to develop and offer tele-seminars, and maybe webinars in the future.
  • Chairs a chapter committee, or charges a sub-committee, that programs the annual Fishbowl Event.
  • Supervises a virtual administrative assistant, paid with fees for CCEs, who is responsible for submitting applications for CCEs to ICF Global and distributing CCEs to those who have paid for and earned them.

Reports to:  ICF Board at monthly meetings currently held on the third Thursday from 10-Noon at the Crossroads shopping center Community Room. This day, time and location can change with Board approval.  During the board meetings, the Director of Education and Credentialing provides a monthly status report to the board about current and future Chapter programs. This Director must be an ICF member of the Chapter.

Length of Appointment: Two years and may be reappointed for another term.

Director of Membership

Purpose: The Director of Membership serves as the communication conduit between the board and
members by acting as a voice at the board level for members. This Director regularly engages with current members to build connections and share feedback, as well as to increase membership retention and attract new members.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Informing, inviting and encouraging members to become more engaged with the Chapter through volunteering, joining a committee, actively participating in satellite and/or chapter events and other activities.
  • Greeting and engaging members in conversations or activities at Chapter events that help members network and create a welcoming environment that fosters connection. Also answer any questions about the resources or value of membership for potential or new members.
  • Creating, organizing and participating in activities that will attract new members (examples: hosting information tables at events or visiting training schools to connect with student coaches, etc.).
  • Staying aware of opportunities within the community in which members or the chapter can get involved to keep the ICF professional coaching community engaged and thriving (examples may be participating as coaching representation in a business community roundtable discussion, having members speak at a panel discussion to prospective coaching students to attract future members,  or hosting a table at an allied professional event to inform the public of the value that coaching brings to their organization, community or personal lives, etc.).
  • Maintaining the database of chapter members (in conjunction with ICF) to maintain a current list of active members. 
  • Initiating the Renewal Call process with committee members each spring to encourage expired members to renew their membership and answer questions about membership.
  • Responding to questions regarding Chapter membership and inquiries about becoming a coach through email and direct communication at chapter or satellite events.
  • Extending courtesies (gifts, cards, Service Awards and other acts of recognition) to members on behalf of the Chapter in recognition of life events, and service to the Chapter. 
  • Creating and maintaining a working Membership committee that meets monthly or as needs arise. Other Board members are able to assist with identifying potential committee members as needed. 

Reports to:  ICF Board at monthly meetings currently held on the third Thursday from 10-Noon at the Crossroads shopping center Community Room. This day, time and location can change with Board approval.  During the board meetings, the Director of Membership provides a monthly membership report to the board reflecting metrics of how many members are registered on the ICF WA database and shares insights on changes in membership volume and satisfaction.  This Director may offer feedback from members on what they need or want to keep feeling connected and heard within our chapter and may propose new ideas for encouraging participation from current members or ways to attract new members. This Director must be an ICF member of the Chapter.

Length of Appointment: Two years and may be reappointed for another term.

Director of Internal Communications

Purpose: The Director of Internal Communications develops and leads strategy for  ongoing and relevant communications with members to keep them informed, help build awareness of chapter activities and strengthen our coaching community. 

Key Responsibilities:

  • Develop and deploy regular member surveys and use findings as baseline for messaging and topics and to assess member satisfaction.
  • Act as board liaison for all requests to ICF contract staff to prevent email and phone call overload for that person.
  • Assign experienced committee member to lead and manage social media presence.
  • Work with the Sponsorship/Advertising Director to coordinate timely ad/sponsor placement in the newsletter and website.
  • Support internal publicity for Allied Networking, Fish Bowl, Gala and Prism events.
  • Perform an annual review of the website and newsletter to keep our presence timely and relevant with current technology.
  • During the last week of each month email satellite leaders and Board members soliciting articles from them for the newsletter. Work with contract staff to finalize and email the newsletter to members during the first week of each month.
  • Creating and maintain a working Communications committee that meets monthly or as needs arise. Other Board members are able to assist with identifying potential committee members as needed. 

Reports to: ICF Board at monthly meetings currently held on the third Thursday from 10-Noon at the Crossroads shopping center Community Room. This day, time and location can change with Board approval.  During the board meetings, the Director of Internal Communications provides an update on the status of communications objectives.  This Director must be an ICF member of the Chapter.

Length of Appointment: Two years and may be reappointed for another term.

Director of Sponsorships/Advertisers

Purpose: The Director of Sponsorships/Advertisers shall develop and enhance strategic partnerships with companies and individuals that align with our mission and provide quality services or products for our members.

Key Responsibilities:

·    Proactively generate sponsorship & advertising dollars for chapter events

·    Ensure that sponsorship and advertising obligations outlined in our packages are met. Package benefits should be evaluated annually or as needed to reflect current pricing levels in the market.  

·    Participate in calculating annual revenue goals for chapter events.

Reports to: ICF Board at monthly meetings currently held on the third Thursday from 10-Noon at the Crossroads shopping center Community Room. This day, time and location can change with Board approval.  During the board meetings, the Director of Sponsorships/Advertisers will provide an update on the status of support for current events. This Director will also share sponsor/advertiser feedback to the board as needed.  This Director must be an ICF member of the Chapter.

Length of Appointment: Two years and may be reappointed for another term.

Director of Marketing(
vacant, 2016)

Purpose: The Director of Marketing develops and creates content marketing initiatives that build chapter brand awareness and drive engagement. The Director of Marketing will scout, research, write and edit story ideas, as well as develop tailored content for a variety of audiences with different media vehicles.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Assist with collecting various media content, including audio, video etc. for use in program materials or the website/newsletter.
  • Identify strategic media outlets that will affect our target audience.
  • Work closely with the Director of Internal Communications on creation of all marketing content, ad materials and publications.
  • Create and maintain a website blog.
  • Create and tailor content for a wide variety of audiences.
  • articipate in the marketing and branding of ICF-WA.
  • Investigate the concerns of internal/external consumers and address those concerns with effective communication.

Reports to: ICF Board at monthly meetings currently held on the third Thursday from 10-Noon at the Crossroads shopping center Community Room. This day, time and location can change with Board approval.  During the board meetings, the Director of Marketing will provide a status update of marketing objectives. This Director must be an ICF member of the Chapter.

Length of Appointment: Two years and may be reappointed for another term.

Director of Satellite Groups(vacant, 2016)

Purpose: The Director of Satellite Groups is the main point of contact for all of our statewide satellite groups.  This Director acts as a liaison between the board and the satellites(Bellingham, Bellevue and South Sound as of 10/14) providing updates, feedback and concerns as well as helping the satellite leader build community in their area through new member outreach.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Hosting a Quarterly Connect call for all the current satellite group leaders and/or representatives to share ideas, updates, questions, challenges and resources.
  • Creating a “Satellite in a Box” to clarify the relationship and costs/benefit analysis with satellite leaders.
  • Work on establishing a Seattle satellite.
  • Identifying, recruiting and supporting new satellite groups and leaders to form and thrive across the state.
  • Acting as a resource for satellite leaders and groups for brainstorming ideas and sharing feedback.
  • Visit satellites as often as possible to build a visible relationship and gather feedback.

Reports to: ICF Board at monthly meetings currently held on the third Thursday from 10-Noon at the Crossroads shopping center Community Room. This day, time and location can change with Board approval.  During the board meetings, the Director of Satellites provides an update on the status, growth and feedback of the satellites.   This Director must be an ICF member of the Chapter.

Length of Appointment: Two years and may be reappointed for another term.