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Eastside ICF WA State Satellite Group Meeting: Lifelong Learning Journey toward Artful Coaching Mastery

  • Monday, September 08, 2014
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Bellevue Library, 1111 110th Ave NE


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Janet Harvey, CEO and President of inviteCHANGE

A mindset of ease and comfort as coach has a shadow side and that is complacency and habit. For most of us the shadow signals the threshold of change, an opportunity to stretch beyond what is known into the territory of innovation and catalytic insight for clients and ourselves. 

This session explores the elements of the learning journey toward artful coaching mastery. The pathway is life long, a generative work in process. The principle of personal sovereignty will be introduced and explored by demonstrating how to place accountability for positive impact solidly and sustainably in the hands and heart of the client, providing clients the pathway to imagine and continuously inspire their own lives. 

Generative wholeness, the outcome of Transformative Coaching will break the boundary coaches believe defines the relationship with clients in order to create a partnership that explores in unknown territory. To be generative is to dynamically originate, create, learn and produce desired results in our life. Wholeness is freedom of expression from personal Essence in any and all relationships. Through discussion and experiential exercises during and in between sessions, participants will enliven imagination as a transformative process for self as coach, and ultimately the trust to tap into the greatest potential in coaching relationships with clients. 

We will explore the topic through these central questions and in turn provide each participant with a tailored pathway toward greater artfulness as coach: 

· What is known to you and visible that is your artistry as coach?

·   What characteristics are known by and visible to you that distinguish your next level of mastery in coaching?

· What permission to self will allow you to be willing to be disturbed during this discussion so that you may also be with clients and be transformative in your coaching?

· What is the degree of sovereignty you bring to your coaching interactions and what will increase it and therefore the positive impact for your clients? 

Speaker Bio:

Janet M. Harvey, ICF Master Certified Coach, and ICF Global Past President, has 30 years of experience as both a corporate and entrepreneurial business executive.  As a leader, business owner, coach, mentor of coaches, and trainer of coaches, Janet was an early adopter for creating a coach-centered workplace. Over the two decades, she has worked with global organizations and teams of leaders within to establish a generative, resilient and high performance culture through a coaching approach to leading and managing success. 

Janet Harvey brings her executive and entrepreneurial experience as President for inviteCHANGE, dedicated to coach certification training and professional coaching services. Born and raised in mid-Western US, Harvey may be low key about her leadership successes, but her audiences and professional colleagues are not. People speak of her as bold, curious, provocative, challenging, yet respectful and compassionate in her leadership roles.