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REGISTRATION NOW OPEN: Feb 1, 2011 Special Coach Celebration!

  • Tuesday, February 01, 2011
  • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • REI, Yale Street Seattle, WA


Registration is closed

Registration is now open for the February 1st Program Meeting


Organizational Impact – How we Celebrate the Results of Coaching


PSCA Presents a Panel Discussion with Business Leaders


Location:  REI

               222 Yale Street Seattle, WA

Time:       5:00-8:00 includes networking.

               Program begins at 6:00 PM


According to an article in the most recent Choice Magazine, “Coaching represents the most significant trend in leadership development within organizations in the last 25 years.”


And coaching is increasingly vital for not only top leaders but managers and individual contributors.  People have an impact on ROI – and it has become increasingly clear that coaching works to inspire motivation, keep employees engaged and reduce turnover.


The article goes on to state that “Organizations of every size are interested in increasing bench strength, improving successsion planning and elevating performance of employees at all levels.”


To that end, in conjunction with International Coach Week the PSCA is celebrating the consumers of coaching from organizations large & small, not-for-profits, individuals, and educators.


As part of our regular monthly event programming, we will be hosting a panel of

Seattlebusiness leaders and individuals that will be discussing their experiences with coaching and the benefits they have realized as a result.  Our panel speakers are executives from the following companies:

Wendy Graff, Manager Leadership Coaching & Volunteer Impact Programs, 501 Commons

Michael Ballas, Program Manager - Advanced Products

Astronics Corporation

David Slater, CAS Business Operations Integration

Boeing Corporation

Dawn Wilkinson, CEO

Six Walls Designs


Carol Stone, Senior Consultant Talent Management



Lisa Barnett, VP Sales Imaging Division

Philips HealthCare Corporation


Lindsay Geyer, VP Human Resources

Port Blakley Companies 


As a coach you’ll get a feel for the specific challenges these panelists and organizations had that are specific to their industry, to a team, to an executive or individual, and more.  We encourage you to leverage this event by inviting one of your consumers of coaching, or potential consumer (individual or organization) for them to hear first hand the benefits their peers have received.


This Program represents content that addresses the strategic goals for the PSCA:

•·         Provide education to promote evolution and excellence in coaching

•·         To build a better understanding of the marketplace for coaching

•·         To provide content that supports the certification process.

ICF CCEU’s are pending.