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Eastside Satellite - Conversational Intelligence

  • Monday, June 13, 2016
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Bellevue Library


  • 1 Core Competency CCEU available.

Registration is closed
ICF Washington State Chapter Eastside satellite

Topic:  Conversational Intelligence, from Judith Glaser book.

Date/Time -  May 13th, 10 - 12PM

Place: Bellevue Library  1111 110th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA

Hosted by Marcia Teixeira and Kate Butcher.


Conversational Intelligence ® is the ability to connect, to navigate, and to grow with others.

There are many neuroscience research’s results demonstrating that conversations can activate the parts of our brains that are not only receiving or giving information. They can take our brains to the next level of discovery about what is happening in the world, expanding our brains to hold larger and more complex pictures of what is happening around us.

With conversations, we are building networks, frameworks, connections, capabilities into our brains.

As we interact, if we trigger each other in ways that have our amygdala (lower brain) to be activated,  that may cause certain networks to spin out fear hormones and close our brains - we go to protected behavior and close down. The conversations that make us feel good, make us introspective in positive ways, activate a whole different part of our chemistry, where trust lives, the pre-frontal cortex (executive brain) and our hearts' connection - when that happens it grows our intelligence - it elevates the DNA in our humanity, and it gets transferred to the next generation. We are growing and evolving with others. 

Judith Glaser helps us boost our Conversational Intelligence (C-IQ):

·       to positively influence our neurochemistry, even at the moment

·       to express our inner thoughts and feelings to one another in ways that can strengthen relationships and success

·       to influence the ways we interpret reality, leading to extraordinary results

Focus for OUR conversation: Conversational Intelligence - Why this is relevant to coaches?

Why we are doing this:

Marcia: I have always been intrigued by what happened in the work environment and tried to understand why people, including myself, respond in certain "automatic ways" to interactions with managers, peers, and direct reports. After many years working in multicultural environments both as individual contributor and manager, my curiosity drove me to deepen my knowledge, and more recently I decided to apply my learning and wisdom as a professional coach who helps mid-managers and multicultural leaders to grow their awareness, take action, and make an impact in their lives. Conversational Intelligence has been one of the most important areas of my study and has been helping me to achieve significant improvements both personally and professionally.

Kate: I was drawn to do this session, as I wanted to work with Marcia! And I just love the combination of the neuroscience and the behavioral insights to develop Conversational Intelligence. As Glaser says "Everything happens through conversations."

A few resources for you, in case you want to learn more about this topic before the session:


The Neurochemistry of Positive Conversations(HBR, Jun 12, 2014)

Conversational Intelligence(HuffPost Business, Aug 17, 2013)


Conversational Intelligence (Judith's resources):

Come ready to engage in great conversations!!