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South Sound ICF WA State Satellite Meeting - Coaching in the Fish Bowl: PCC Markers

  • Thursday, March 02, 2017
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Milton-Edgewood Library, 900 Meridian Ave E, Milton, WA 98354


Registration is closed

South Sound ICF WA Satellite Meeting

Coaching in the Fishbowl: PCC Markers

PCC Markers with emphasis on Creating the Coaching Agreement

  • Includes live demonstration of Coaching and review
  • Milton/Edgewood Pierce County Library – 900 Meridian E, Suite 29
  • (Surprise Lake Shopping Center – enter from the back of the shopping center)
  • Thursday, March 2, 2017 --- 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
  • (meeting will begin before the library officially opens)

Your facilitators for this workshop/presentation is:

Scott Davidson, M.B.A, ACC

Scott believes that a life or career is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to explored and appreciated. Scott spent his first career in international marketing across the Pacific Rim before graduating from inviteCHANGE and becoming an ACC certified coach in 2012. ICF Washington State awarded Scott as the Rookie Coach of the Year in 2012. He recently completed the process for recertifying as an ACC coach. Scott works with professional men and women with a variety of agendas. Scott frequently helps clients establish and maintain mutually rewarding relationships, envision and make plans for a dramatically different future, and to go places with their life or career that, up until now, they have not been able to reach. Scott created a manual and extensive program specifically to help successful people transition beyond the end of their primary career into a deeply rewarding life as they move forward. Scott is passionate about helping others explore their inner reserves and dreams. 

Scott helped found the South Sound Satellite of ICF Washington State in 2012 and has been the principal facilitator for the satellite ever since. Scott also enjoys exploring forests and mountains. Scott recently completed serving two years as the chair of the Tacoma branch of The Mountaineers. Scott also volunteers to teach outdoor leadership at The Mountaineers and leadership at Unity of South Sound.

Sandra Jones, MA, PCC

Sandra is a Professional Certified Coach dedicated to helping coaches fine tune their skills for heightened confidence, professional competency and preparation for certification. She also helps professionals clarify who they are called to be as they experience life and career changes that don’t always support one another so that they can enjoy a sense of purpose and well-being. For those clients who want to Show Up, Stand Up, and Speak Up she helps them get traction making sure that they celebrate along the way. Sandra’s coaching career spans more than 15 years including over five years specialization in Mentor Coaching. Sandra deepened her mentoring skills as Senior Trainer with the Academy for Coach Training and then as a faculty member and Certified Mentor Coach for inviteCHANGE. 

In 2014 Sandra was named Mentor Coach of the Year by the International Coaching Federation Washington State Chapter. Prior to her coaching and mentoring career Sandra was a corporate trainer and human resource specialist in health care and banking. On a personal note, Sandra enjoys volunteer leadership roles in the ICF Washington State Chapter, within her church and WRY Toastmasters. Walks and hikes, good conversations over a meal with friends, and travel are rewarding parts of Sandra’s life.

Join us for: Coaching Demonstration: In the Fishbowl

We call this coaching in the fishbowl because we will have a live demonstration of coaching as part of the program. We will open with a sharing of the ICF PCC markers used by experienced coaches evaluating the proficiency of coaches as they seek certification. There are three levels of certification: ACC, PCC, and MCC. Each level requires a certain level of education and training, logged coaching hours with paying clients, and evaluation of demonstrated coaching proficiency. ICF now has established specific PCC criteria for each ICF core competency. These are the “markers” that evaluators look for. They note whether the marker was demonstrated or not as they evaluate coaches as a mentor coach or when evaluating coaches for certification.

We will spend the first part of our session acknowledging the markers and clarifying the levels of ICF certification. We will then look in some depth at core competency number 2, “Establishing the Coaching Agreement.” This competency is crucial to having a successful coaching engagement and session. Those markers are:

1. Coach helps the client identify, or reconfirm, what s/he wants to accomplish in the session.

2. Coach helps the client to define or reconfirm measures of success for what s/he wants to accomplish in the session.

3. Coach explores what is important or meaningful to the client about what s/he wants to accomplish in the session.

4. Coach helps the client define what the client believes he/she needs to address or resolve in order to achieve what s/he wants to accomplish in the session.

5. Coach continues conversation in direction of client’s desired outcome unless client indicates otherwise.

Finally, we will move into a coaching demonstration by Sandra Jones, PCC certified coach, followed by feedback and discussion. This should help you sharpen your focus on all the competencies and especially the critical opening phase of any session, creating the coaching agreement

“Establishing the coaching agreement is the coaching.”

- Fran Fisher. MCC and winner of ICF WA State Lifetime Achievement award

How does this link to ICF Core Competencies?

This is all about the core competencies, especially “Creating the coaching agreement.”

CCEU’s will be offered to anyone attending the entire event who wants to receive them.