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Northwest Corner Coaches = Practicing Coaches Support Call

  • Tuesday, March 21, 2017
  • 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Virtual - phone

Northwest Corner Coaches

Practicing Coaches - Support Call

NWCC would like to invite you fellow coaches to be a presenter or a discussion leader for this quarterly call if you are inspired. I host this call for our members (and outlying fellow coaches) who have 30 or more hours of coach specific training that are looking for some advanced conversation to challenge their years in the industry. The call is only an hour so we are looking for experienced coaches to lead conversations around a theme, or a tool, they particularly find helpful or enjoyable. It does not need to be a formal training.

If you would just like to be part of a conference call platform to connect with other coaches as opposed to leading, that’s good too! If no one volunteers to present or lead, I open the floor to discuss whatever the coaches present feel a need to focus on. Sometimes it is a challenge with our practice, a client or to solicit new ideas. Please join us! Just email Laura to receive the conference call invitation.

Call in details will be sent to all who RSVP no later than 1 day before the call. For our members who have 30 or more hours of coach specific training that are looking for some advanced conversation to challenge their years in the industry. This is your call! Speakers and presentations on topics that add value to your life, and business! Dial in and enjoy!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

6:30 PM to 7:30 PM

RSVP here