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Eastside ICF Chapter Meeting ~ Stopping your own negative thoughts

  • Monday, February 13, 2017
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Bellevue Downtown Library -1111 110th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA 98004

Eastside ICF Satellite Meeting

Be the Most Powerful and Effective Coach Possible –

By Stopping Your Own Negative Thoughts

With Amazon best-selling author and trainer, Barbara Ireland

As a coach, you well know there's nothing quite like the feeling of ending a coaching session and saying to yourself, “Wow! I really helped that person! I made a difference in their life!” That's when you know you're on your game.

But some days, it can be difficult. You had an argument with your partner that morning. A huge, unexpected bill came in. Your doctor just delivered test results that sent you into fear and uncertainty. Or perhaps you're deeply worried about a loved one and can't stop thinking about them or what you can do to help.

Life thrusts challenging situations at us all the time – and any one of these issues can throw you off your coaching game. It can make helping others difficult – because your own life is in turmoil. You're not as present as you'd like to be. You keep thinking back to that awful argument, anxiously worrying about your health or loved one, or how on earth you're going to pay that bill.

Even if outer circumstances are going well, you may hear a critical inner voice that chips away at your confidence or happiness: Right before you're about to call a potential client, your inner critic might say: “So you think you're a great coach, huh? Really? What makes you think you have what it takes to help people – and charge them for it too?!” “The last 4 people didn't hire you... You need this client! So don't say anything stupid on this call!” “You want to charge them how much?”

In the midst of both outer and inner challenges, how can you stay on your game – so you can be the most powerful and effective coach possible?

In 2010 I had a near death experience. While it was the most terrifying day of my life, it also became my greatest gift. I learned how my (mostly unconscious) negative thoughts (which I now call “Mind Loops”) were causing havoc in my relationships, income, stress-level, confidence, self-esteem... and happiness.

When I “came back,” I spent the next 4 years researching and developing The De-Looping Method to stop repetitive, negative thinking. Every area of my life improved so dramatically, that I ended up changing careers so I could share what I learned.

I can't wait to share my incredible near-death-experience with you – and more importantly, what I learned about Mind Loops. You'll find out how to literally rewire your brain to stop repetitive, negative thoughts – so that no matter what life (or your own mind) throws at you, you'll have tools to stay on top of your coaching game and live your life – and life purpose – with greater confidence, peace, and joy.