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North Seattle Satellite Meeting - Life Purpose

  • Monday, May 15, 2017
  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Shoreline Conference Center--18560 1st Ave NE, Shoreline


Registration is closed

North Seattle Satellite

Life Purpose

"What is your life purpose? How can you find it? How will you live to fulfill your life purpose? In this presentation we will find out our life purpose and discuss how to live towards it and what that means."


I am Andrea Uchytil. I am Possibility, Joy, Curiosity, Connection and Spirit. I am curious to constantly learn about new cultures and meet new people and have new experiences. If my life had a title, it would be called, “ Going with the Flow of Life.” I take opportunities as they happen; all my doors (and windows) are open for new experiences and people.

I have lived in Prague as I studied the TEFL program (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) and have done study abroad in Switzerland. Through a friend, I ended up moving to Australia for 7 months to work and travel and then had the opportunity to go back to Switzerland to work for the University. Who knows where my next door will be too?

As a coach, I strive to work with people who see the "light" at the end of the tunnel or who are willing to look. I like to uncover and shine the light at the blind spot that sometimes stops us in our tracks. We create the life we want, sometimes we just need a little assistance with it and that is where I come in.