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Eastside ICF WA State Satellite Meeting - The Dance Between Authenticity, Transparency, and Vulnerability in Coaching

  • Monday, August 14, 2017
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Bellevue Library


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Eastside ICF WA Satellite Meeting

The Dance Between Authenticity, Transparency, and Vulnerability in Coaching with Beth Buelow, PCC

Depending on your personality, you may prefer to keep details of your life private. It’s enough to navigate those personal disclosures with friends; what about in your professional life? That’s the challenge: determining appropriate authenticity in a world that’s driven by reality television, social media, tell-all posts and books, and cameras in our pockets. This session offers guidance for evaluating your personal story and determining what, when and how to share with clients and prospects. Through video interviews, conversation and reflection exercises, participants will gain clarity on walking the fine line between our private and public personas.

Workshop participants will have heightened self-awareness of their own personal and professional boundaries, resulting in increased confidence in their ability to communicate their stories and experiences with an audience-orientation and appropriate authenticity.

Participant take-aways:

• Deeper awareness of their coaching presence and gifts

• Tools for discerning what is appropriate (based on one’s brand) to share with a public audience, especially when it comes to controversial or deeply personal topics

• Clarity on when to incorporate personal experiences into their role as coaches and entrepreneurs

• Techniques for turning personal lessons into valuable, connective content

• Feedback from peers on opportunities for more authentic messaging

With respect to the Core Competencies, this presentation touches on maintaining ethical standards, establishing trust and intimacy (self-management), and direct communication.

Note: This session will be presented at the ICF Converge 2017 Conference on August 25 in Washington, D.C.

About the Speaker:

Beth Buelow, PCC, founded The Introvert Entrepreneur in 2010. As a certified professional coach and author, podcaster, and speaker, she’s recognized for her expertise in entrepreneur and leadership coaching for introverts.

She is an active member of the ICF and ICF-Washington State chapter. Beth has shared her message that "Success is an Inside Job!" with numerous organizations and corporations, including Boeing, Starbucks, Seattle University, MarketingProfs University, American Marketing Association, Financial Planning Association, among others.

She’s contributed to articles in The Wall Street Journal, Success Magazine, Inc, Entrepreneur, The Telegraph, and Psychology Today. Her most recent book, "The Introvert Entrepreneur: Amplify Your Strengths and Create Success on Your Own Terms" (Penguin Random House, Nov 2015), was named one of the 100 Best Business Books of 2015 by

CCEU’s will be offered to anyone attending the entire event who wants to receive them.