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North Seattle Satellite Meeting -Using a Mindful Practice to Build Positive Identity

  • Monday, October 16, 2017
  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Shoreline Conference Center--18560 1st Ave NE, Shoreline


Registration is closed

Using a Mindful Practice to Build Positive Identity with Patrice Tabor, Jerald Forster, & Kate Duttro

This session will introduce you to a practice to help you articulate a more positive self-identity and overcome mental negativity. You will be guided through a series of activities such as:

  • Understanding the benefit of, and method for, focusing on positive moments.
  • Finding your own words for strengths that are personally meaningful.
  • Articulating a Strengths-focused Identity.
  • Experiencing a Strengths-focused dialog, an interpersonal tool for supporting development of a positive, Strengths-focused Identity.

This workshop will also give you new ideas about how to facilitate a similar introspective process with clients.

Coaches who become practitioners of these processes may use the Strengths-focused Identity website as a resource for helping clients to build a positive identity.

Meet the Presenters


Jerald Forster, Professor Emeritus, University of Washington, has facilitated positive human development for over 50 years, specializing in the articulation of a more positive identity, using methods such as the Dependable Strengths Articulation Process (DSAP).

Kate Duttro, Career Counselor, University of Washington (retired), maintained her private practice, based on Dependable Strengths Articulation. She works primarily with recovering academics, and teaches a nationally-recognized career development credentialing program for counselors and coaches.

Patrice Tabor is an adult educator and ICF accredited life coach. She is a committee member of the Center for Dependable Strengths, non-profit organization and certified DSAP facilitator.