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South Sound Satellite Meeting - Helping Clients Set B.I.G Boundaries and Overcome What Gets In the Way

  • Thursday, November 09, 2017
  • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Milton/Edgewood Pierce County Library – 900 Meridian E, Suite 29 (Enter from back of the shopping center)


Registration is closed

South Sound ICF WA Satellite Meeting

Helping Clients Set B.I.G Boundaries and Overcome What Gets In the Way

“You change for two reasons:  either you learn enough that you want to, or you’ve been hurt enough you have to.” unknown

For most of us, the idea of setting boundaries feels more like building a castle wall that a picket fence.  Boundaries feel like tools of separation rather of connection/ We often fear the repercussions of speaking up for ourselves, our needs and our wants.  We suffer in silence and resentment rather than face judgement and loss.

 Dr. Brene’ Brown’s ground breaking works— Daring Greatly and Rising Strong challenge the myths of boundaries.

It brings to light how often our clients look for a work around to get to the outcome they desire without the risks they associate with asking for what they want or holding others accountable.    It challenges the ideas of armoring up or numbing up in order to deal with difficult people and situations, and  it explores how to overcome the barriers and struggles clients face when establishing and maintaining boundaries. 

Jody brings us the ideas of B.I. G. from Dr. Brené Brown.  She’ll show us how to  create a reframe for our clients around what it means to set boundaries, create connection, develop relationships with integrity, and create a sense of identity and self-worth.

Key Learning:

v   How to reframe boundaries as a way to create connection rather than separation

v   The barriers and struggles our clients encounter when setting and maintaining boundaries.

v   The role of self-compassion and compassion in getting our needs met

v   The importance of living congruently with our values to develop generosity for others and stand in our own integrity


Core Competency 8 Create Awareness—how we can reframe boundary setting as connection and generosity rather than separation and conflict offers clients a different lens through which to see the process along with ways to develop tools for success. 

Core Competency 7 Direct Communication the client is continually asked to define and refine “what boundaries need to be in place for this situation” helping the client discover patterns of behavior that inhibit the client from reaching and sustaining the desired goals.

Jody McCrain is a transformational narrative coach. She completed her coach training at inviteChange in 2010 after a twenty year career in education.  She works with clients to uncover the power of their stories, and the importance of changing the stories to achieve the outcomes they desire.  She completed the Brené Brown National Certified Facilitator Training for The Daring Way™ in 2015.  She served on the ICF Washington State Board of Directors for six years and was President in 2014. She holds a PCC credential from International Coach Federation (ICF).


CCEU’s will be offered to anyone attending the entire event who wants to receive them.

Location and Parking Details:

Google map of Milton Library

View of Library and lot

The storefronts in the shopping area face Meridian, the main street to the east of the shopping center. Drive west around the storefronts from either the north or south side of the stores and head toward the middle. There is a parking lot there for the library and additional spaces adjacent to that lot.