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South Sound Satellite - What Do You Do When Your Coaching Clients Encounter Frightening Forks in the Road?

  • Friday, May 11, 2018
  • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Milton-Edgewood Library - 900 Meridian Ave E, Milton, WA


  • You are an active member of ICF Washington State

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MAY 11, 2018 - 11 am  at Milton - Edgewood Library

Presented by

Jeanie McKay and Tristan Jorgensen 


1.5  Core Competency and .5 Resource Development 
Members $10, Non-members $20
Hosted by ICF Washington State

Description of Course

What Do You Do When Your Coaching Clients Encounter Frightening Forks in the Road?

"It is your decisions, and not your conditions, that determine your destiny."  Tony Robbins

Making a decision can completely change your life. If you think of a decision as a fork in the road, the path you choose can affect everything that happens thereafter for better or for worse throughout your life and career.

Imagine the difference it would have made in your life if you had chosen to drop out of college and follow your rock band dream. Or imagine if you had clung to your former corporate job instead of following your passionate desire to become the captain of your dinghy who set sail and became a well-respected solopreneur life, leadership, or career coach? Everyone's circumstances differ, of course. But by now, as a coach, it's likely that you understand how fundamental your M.O., your motivation, and your choices have been to your success.

But what about your ability to guide the clients you coach to the destinations they seek? What strategies do you have in place to successfully coach them as they make fearful decisions that either have them setting sail toward the sunny future... or leaving them walking the plank...tangled in knots?

While most coaches I know have multiple decision-making-101 models in their coaching arsenals, many coaching kits contain one-size-fits-all, somewhat dated decision-making process models. So what if you open your mind a bit and give yourself permission to take a peek at some inventive neuroscience and psychological-based research decision models?

What you will learn:

During this highly interactive presentation, you will likely discover some cool tools to stuff into your decision-making toolkits. Your clients may be thrilled at the insights they get as they strive to free the mental chains restraining them when they really want to move forward using their signature strengths and infinite potential.

Hope you can join us. If you plan to attend this presentation, please bring your energy and exhilaration as we blaze some new territory and take away some awesome new tools to use with our lucky, deserving clients.

About Jeanie and Tristan

Jeanie McKay, a former health system Learning Director and leadership consultant, is the Founder and Chief Learning Officer of MindZone LLC—Where the science of the brain meets the art of being human.

Jeanie is best known for her flagship cognitive wellness program and book, Octane for the Brain. Jeanie is a certified professional health and aging transitions coach as well as an energy leadership master practitioner. Jeanie's seminar followers and coaching clients are young-at-heart, active people committed to living well and rocking their 50s...and beyond... (

Associate Presenter Bio:

Tristan Jorgensen is a Zen Practices Centering Coach who offers guidance for helping clients effectively managing stress and freeing up energy to achieve goals. Tristan specializes in developmental areas such as self-awareness, self-esteem, and self-love. (