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Eastside PSCA Satellite Group Meeting - A Holistic Approach to the ICF Competencies

  • Monday, August 01, 2011
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Redmond Library meeting room one


Registration is closed
Amorah Ross, Master Certified Coach (MCC) & Certified Coach, will present "A Holistic Approach to the ICF Competencies."

"I will  offer a simple yet powerful metaphor as a fresh lens through which to view the ICF coaching competencies. My intention is that this way of thinking about the coaching competencies can serve as a springboard to how the competencies address the questions of 'pure coaching or consultative coaching.' A question recently posted to the ICF LinkedIn discussion board was: "Do you do practice pure coaching or consultative coaching?" As a mentor coach and coach trainer, I hear this question, in  varying forms, often enough that I feel it warrants discussion. Please join us for what promises to be an enlivening and engaging discussion."