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Conscious Leadership: Black Lives Matter, Coaching and Anti-Racism

  • Wednesday, July 15, 2020
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Zoom - access provided in registration email


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July 15, 2020 - 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm, Virtual Program

Conscious Leadership: Black Lives Matter, Coaching and Anti-Racism

Presented by Esther Jones-Alley

So much has happened since our first Conscious Leadership event in May.

What to Expect:

Our second Conscious Leadership event is dedicated to anti-racism in our lives and coaching spaces, and the awareness we need to be anti-racist as coaches. We are honored to share our interactive panel with Esther Jones-Alley, ICF-certified Spiritual Lifestyle Coach, Ordained Minister, Author and Poet to answer our questions about racism, what does it mean for us as coaches and where do we start the healing.

“Black Lives Matter. This is a moment of truth for the history of humankind. It is impossible not to see, and begs immediate engagement. …It is the time to reflect inward and take meaningful action. …Our first step…is to acknowledge that in partnership with our members, we need to understand what that meaningful action looks and feels like.”

Our ICF WA Board made this statement in May and issued an invitation to a BLM Town Hall.

The subject of our second Conscious Leadership event was made clear. We are being asked to bring the light of consciousness to these discussions and actions. We can move from self-focused excuses and apologies to focusing on the needs and rights of BIPOC. We can be present in the moment and infuse our discussion with insight, compassion, and love.

You are invited to show up as Conscious Coach Leaders and explore the following questions:

What are the ways we as coaches enable systemic racism and white patriarchy?

What does it look like to be anti-racist as a coach?

How do we leverage our coaching skills to demonstrate and encourage anti-racism?

What you take away will be up to you. The possibilities are great:

a.     A greater awareness of how we individually as coaches and collectively as an organization have contributed to the status quo when it comes to racism and patriarchy in this country.

b.     The power of that comes as we collaborate learning to be anti-racist.

c.     A recommitment to co-create an inclusive, equitable community through Conscious Leadership and coaching using a lens of anti-racism.

About Esther:

Esther Jones-Alley is a Certified Spiritual Lifestyle Coach through the International Coaching Federation, Ordained Minister, through One Spirit Learning Alliance, Empowering Workshop Facilitator, Author, and Poet. Esther Jones Alley is a woman who has been walking her walk for a long time. She believes in the Oneness of Divine Love and the power of experiencing infinite possibilities. Throughout her professional career she has ministered and coached individuals on issues as varied as corporate politics, job dissatisfaction, family matters, parenting teens, lost love, challenging toddler behavior, and career changes. One of her main quotes, that she is known for is: “at any time you can make another choice!” She is a mother, grandmother, and community activist. For the past 5 years Esther has also led several small groups to Egypt on a sacred journey to visit ancient temples, pyramids and other holy sites.

You can learn more about Esther, her Vlog titled "Wednesday Wisdom," and her book, The Centered Life, A Spiritual Life Coaching Journey on her website: