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Coaches Create: Michelle Zou, Coach and Podcast Host

  • Wednesday, September 16, 2020
  • 12:00 PM
  • Facebook Live and Zoom - access provided upon registration


Registration is closed

Meet Coach Michelle Zou on September 16 at 12pm, when Coaches Create kicks off with our first livestream. 

Her podcast "In China with Michelle Zou" features interviews of thought leaders and executives combined with experts in a range of industries. In conversation with Michelle, these leaders reveal their thoughts and personal stories about the various opportunities manifesting with China’s economic development and social changes. 

Learn about Michelle's inspiration for this creation and the impact it's having. Register here for Zoom access or simply tune in on Facebook that day.

There is no charge for this as no CCEUs will be issued. 


In each live episode, the Coaches Create team and a special guest from the 2020 Coaches Create featured entries will be live on ICF Washington State’s Facebook ( and Zoom, sharing their favorite creations and talking about what makes them stand out from the dozens we hope to receive this year. Every other Wednesday at 12 PM.

Register for the next event here

Want to get weekly reminders on when out episodes are going live? Need a new watching, reading or listening list? Follow ICF WA on LinkedinFacebookTwitter and Instagram! Our Coaches Create Team will also be sharing the roundup of submissions here.

From our homes and creative spaces,

- ICF Washington State's Coaches Create Team