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BIPOC Coaches Connect 1: Dialogue around a Podcast on Psychological (un)Safety

  • Thursday, December 17, 2020
  • 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM
  • Zoom - access provided upon registration


Registration is closed

Dialogue around the podcast:

Falsely Accused: Chutes & Ladders with Timothy Clark” from
“We are Meaningful”

What is BIPOC Coaches Connect (BCC)?

The scarcity of black and brown coaches in the coaching industry creates disparities at multiple levels. For black, indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) in the coaching industry, disparities may be experienced in the coaching certification journey, or in the erasure or lack of recognition of marginalized experiences. For BIPOC coaching clients, they may experience unconscious differential treatment from well-intentioned non-BIPOC coaches or difficulty building trust with a non-BIPOC coach. The cumulative impact of such experiences affects our individual and community wellbeing.

BIPOC Coaches Connect is for BIPOC coaches to co-create spaces for:

● Healing

● Sharing experiences at the intersection of coaching, race, and the  navigation of dominant cultures and systems, whether for ourselves or for our clients

● Nurturing growth

Important Note:

BIPOC Coaches Connect is part of ICFWA Equity Committee’s effort to enable discourse, learning, and development around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). The BIPOC Coaches Connect series is intended for BIPOC coaches. If you are not BIPOC and are eager to join us in upcoming conversations around DEI, please stay tuned for upcoming DEI related events for all coaches in the new year! If you have questions or concerns, please contact icfwaequity [at] gmail [dot] com

What to Expect in BCC 1:

As a new endeavor from ICFWA’s Equity Committee, we envision the BIPOC Coaches Connect events to evolve and be shaped by its participants. Our first session will be facilitated by Peyina Lin-Roberts, Ph.D., ACC, around the podcast episode “Falsely Accused: Chutes & Ladders with Timothy Clark” (34 mins.) from “We are Meaningful.”

What to Prepare for the Session:

● Please listen to the podcast episode before our meeting date/time.

You can find a brief description about the podcast at the end of this page.

● As you listen, please jot down specific content that stands out to you, that you would like to discuss and share with others, and consider:

o In what way did the content you choose to share stand out to you?

o What shows up for you in such content?

o How does this relate to your personal, professional, or coaching experience?

Facilitator:Peyina Lin-Roberts, Ph.D., ACC, LCP

Peyina’s facilitation prioritizes connection and compassion to create understandings around complex issues. Her work lies at the intersection of leadership coaching, DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion), and participatory design/process management. She is a certified Leadership Circle Profile practitioner and incorporates leadership development in the co-facilitation of DEI workshops with seasoned DEI practitioners. Based on the repeated systemic issues experienced by her coaching clients, she believes that learning about systemic advantages/disadvantages can enrich a coach’s effectiveness. As part of her mission to narrow social inequities, she offers coaching training to support staff who work with families experiencing persistent poverty and offers friendly rates to nonprofits serving BIPOC and immigrants.

Podcast information: In the words of Crystle and Krysta, the podcast hosts: “We transform the anonymous experiences of black and brown talent into powerful audio narratives. Each month we center the dialogue around a common theme - providing you, our listeners, with tools and resources that will help you navigate, grow, and thrive in corporate spaces.”

Episode information: The podcast episode starts with a juicy story, rich in breadth and depth around issues of psychological safety (or lack thereof) for a BIPOC professional, and is followed by an interview with Dr. Timothy Clark, author of The Four Stages of Psychological Safety. Dr. Clark offers an exquisite framework to make sense of and navigate falsely accused situations.