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Eastside Satellite - Introduction to Voice Dialogue

  • Monday, January 11, 2021
  • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Zoom - Access will be provided in your registration confirmation


  • CCEUs only included if offered.

Registration is closed

Monday, January 11, 2021 - 10:30 - 12:30 pm on Zoom (Zoom link will be provided upon registration.

Presented by

Jan Berg, MCC & BJ Levy, PCC


       Core Compentency 1.5 and Resource Development .5 CCEUs

Description of Course

Have you ever heard yourself or a client say, “part of me thinks this and another part thinks that?” We all have different parts or selves that are talking in our heads, influencing our thoughts, our perceptions and running our lives. As coaches we are actively listening for those cues and asking questions to help our clients deepen their awareness. What if there were a practice that you could use to help you?  In this session you will be introduced to Voice Dialogue, a methodology to help contact, learn about, and work with the many selves that make up each of us.

Voice Dialogue can be used in any coaching session for the purpose of creating trust and safety, evoking awareness, removing obstacles and generating action. At the very foundation of Voice Dialogue is deep listening, open-ended curiosity and respecting all parts of the client.  In this session you’ll learn from experts, Jan Berg and BJ Levy, about how it works, how to use it and how you can apply aspects of it in your own coaching.

About BJ

BJ Levy brings passion to both inner and outer adventure, contributing her myriad of experiences to enhance every encounter. With BJ, clients feel complete safety to explore and advance what is essential to come fully alive, make changes in alignment with who they truly are, and commit to creating fulfilling, meaningful lives, personal and professional. BJ uses a whole brain approach.

BJ has been coaching since 2000 and has facilitated coach training programs for hundreds of coaches since 2002. BJ works with leaders and managers who want to bring personal value, meaningful contribution, real connection and balance to the workplace. BJ has extensive training in and trains others to use Voice Dialogue as an avenue to understand all aspects of oneself. BJ’s prior 27-year career was as a trial lawyer where she was instrumental in changing the law and the conversation about childhood sexual abuse.

BJ has used her learning in the community of coaches and learners to take courageous steps that have led to her leading her most joyful and fulfilling life in her 70’s!

About Jan

Jan is a woman of a certain age who lives with her husband and dog in Fircrest, Washington. She splits her work time between coaching, mentor coaching, and coaching supervision, sprinkled with coaching in organizational settings. She is beginning her retirement from inviteCHANGE, where she has had numerous roles, including delivery leader for the past 16 years.

She is blessed with a cadre of friends and family who populate her leisure time. Jan’s favorite activities include anything to do with grandchildren, skiing, exploring new ideas, reading, spectator sports, travel of any kind and hanging out with people she adores for conversation, laughter, great food and/or wine.

Two of her proudest moments were receiving the ICF Washington State Professional Coach of the Year in 2012 and The ICF Washington State ACES Award in 2016.