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BIPOC Coaches Connect - Connecting with Self and Others in Turbulent Times

  • Thursday, June 16, 2022
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Zoom - access provided upon registration


Registration is closed

Description of Event

ICF-WA Equity Working Group (EWG) invites you to attend BIPOC Coaches Connect, a quarterly online gathering for BIPOC coaches to meet, connect, and co-create a vibrant BIPOC coaching community. You will have various opportunities to connect with other BIPOC coaches and to engage in discussion around topics that will support you and your clients.

The theme of this BIPOC Coaches Connect event is “Connecting with Self and Others in Turbulent Times.” How are you doing in these turbulent times? These are uniquely challenging times, and none of us are exempt from the compounded effects of a global pandemic, war, violence, climate urgencies, and significant social and political disruptions. The accumulated stress of the past few years can be felt and observed at all levels of society.

How can we as coaches be more resilient and help our clients to be at their best in such times? One way to help ourselves is to tune in to our internal states and to become more aware of our states of being.

This BIPOC Coaches Connect session will share a model for mapping our emotional states to support wellbeing, learning, and growing, and provide ample opportunities for people to connect and talk in small breakout groups. Together we’ll consolidate our insights and takeaways, so that we, as coaches, can be resourced to help ourselves and our clients to practice greater agency (self-leadership) and self-acceptance.

Who should attend? Anyone who identifies as a BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) coach. ICF membership is not required. If you were not able to join previous BIPOC Coaches Connect events, it’s not too late to get on board! We would love to see you this time! If you are not a BIPOC coach and are interested in DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) development in coaching, please watch out for future events.

This event will be co-facilitated by Mariko Navin, CPCC, ACC, Tamir Hasan PCC, and members of the ICFWA Equity Working Group (EWG).