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Coaches Annex: Coaching Rooted in Equity (25th Anniversary)

  • Thursday, December 14, 2023
  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Virtual - Zoom link will be included with registration


Registration is closed

Coaches Annex:

Coaching Rooted in Equity (25th Anniversary)

Thursday, December 14th, 2023 11:00AM - 12:00PM PDT

Attendance at the November 3rd Coaching Rooted in Equity anniversary event is a prerequisite to this event.

This event is a follow-up to the 25th anniversary event: Coaching Rooted in Equity held on November 3rd. Coaches’ Annexes are an opportunity for event participants to engage in deeper reflection and dialogue in small and large group discussions. Now that you've had a few weeks to digest information shared by various speakers and chapter leaders, what is coming up for you? What would you like to have more time to process? What are your takeaways from the conference? How are you (or would you like to be) applying your takeaways to your coaching, leadership, or professional and personal journey?

This event will be facilitated by ICFWA board members.

Registration is required to receive Zoom link.

No CCEUs will be provided.