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Seattle ICF WA State Satellite Meeting: Coaching ADD/ADHD clients

  • Monday, January 14, 2013
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Mosaic Coffee House, 4401 2nd Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98105


Registration is closed

Join us for an informative presentation by Amy Voros on coaching ADD/ADHD clients. 

Coaching is a great tool for personal growth, setting & accomplishing goals and plans. But what about for those with Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder, better known as ADHD or ADD?  Once thought to be a childhood condition, it is a life-long brain-wiring issue that continues to affect individuals throughout adulthood. As many as 1 in 10 adults have ADHD and many of them may not know this.  So, how can a coach work with a client with either a formal diagnosis of ADHD, or who might be acting as if they have ADHD (demonstrates “poor follow-up” on coaching actions, chronic lateness/disorganization,  impulsive actions etc?) This condition can be confusing because many individuals are intelligent, creative, hard-working, frustrated, and inconsistent.

During this presentation, you will have a chance to learn a bit about ADHD and some coaching techniques to work with clients that fit this profile. There will also be resources on both ADD and ADHD coaching and how this niche fits within the ICF framework and other professional coaching organizations, including it’s own certification process. 

Amy Voros, CPC, ACC of Creative Catapult Coaching, works with gifted/highly intelligent and ADHD adults. She has been given both “labels” and enjoys working with the intensities, complexities and drive that are part of these populations. She comes to coaching and tutoring with a background and interest in technology, non-profits, divergent thinking, health and healthcare, and entrepreneurship.

The ICF-WA Seattle Satellite group meets on the 3rd (or sometimes 2nd) Mondays of each month, to create a stimulating environment for mutual learning, development, and community building.We suggest a $5 facility donation per person per meeting.

Ample free street parking available.