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Coaches Create: Christine Rose, Author and Executive Coach

  • Wednesday, October 14, 2020
  • 12:00 PM
  • Facebook Live and Zoom - access provided upon registration


Registration is closed

Meet Christine Rose on October 14 at 12pm, when Coaches Create returns with our next livestream. This time we also have a generous surprise from the author - a free book for anyone who joins our Coaches Create livestream! 

After the #metoo social media firestorm in 2017, Christine wondered how a coach approach to the conversation might be able to accelerate personal and cultural transformation. Her response was to write the book Life Beyond #MeToo, which creates awareness, explores opportunities, shares and invites a vision for a New Normal where every person is equally valued and respected. Through her creation, Christine encourages learning, conversations, and support for lasting culture change.

Register here for Zoom access ( simply tune in on Facebook that day. Registration is free. No CCEUs will be issued.

In each live episode, the Coaches Create team and a special guest from the 2020 Coaches Create featured entries will be live on ICF Washington State's Facebook (

There is no charge for this as no CCEUs will be issued. 


What do you think of this series? We’d love to hear your thoughts, questions and

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Our next livestream is on October 28th with Sharon Rolph, retirement coach and podcast creator, register here:

From our homes and creative spaces,

- ICF Washington State's Coaches Create Team