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Coaches Create: Poet and Leadership Coach Anu Arora

  • Wednesday, November 11, 2020
  • 12:00 PM
  • Facebook Live and Zoom - access provided upon registration


Registration is closed

Meet coach and author Anu Arora on November 11 at 12pm, when Coaches Create returns with our next livestream.

Anu currently serves as Board President for ICF Washington State Chapter. She is an experienced technology leader, trainer, author, and a leadership and executive coach. She was inspired by nature and her love of writing to create a book of poetry, as a way to share simple shifts that have helped her create a new life for herself enriched with joy, beauty, and happiness.

Register here for Zoom access or simply tune in on Facebook that day. Registration is free. No CCEUs will be issued.

In each live episode, the Coaches Create team and a special guest from the 2020 Coaches Create featured entries will be live on ICF Washington State's Facebook (

There is no charge for this as no CCEUs will be issued. 


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Our next livestream is on December 2 with instructional coach and nonprofit founder John Mark Slagle, register here: 

From our homes and creative spaces,

- ICF Washington State's Coaches Create Team