By Coaches for Coaches Presents
How to Schedule OUT Overwhelm
Guest Speaker - Cara Wilson
Wednesday, March 27th, 2024 12:00PM - 1:30PM PT
(Will continue every 4th Wednesday of the month)

Are you finding yourself overwhelmed trying to manage the minutes and feeling like achieving work like balance is impossible? What if we told you that was because you CAN'T balance work and life (that's like balancing grains of sand against the whole beach) but you could align it... simply, easily, and in a way that is repeatable every day and week?
Join Cara, as she has a tool just for this.

Cara Wilson
I am Cara Jean, founder of Taking CARA Business, I empower leaders through executive coaching. Serving ambitious entrepreneurs, neurospicy leaders, and small to mid-sized businesses. I am certified as an executive coach and in Emotional Intelligence. I have been working in leadership development for 25 years and in executive leadership development for a decade. I have learned and failed so many times it's given me GREAT shareable tools. This one I use with my clients every single week.
In this New Normal landscape, we know Change is inevitable, and development is a choice. Are you ready to develop?

Interested in volunteering your time to support these sessions.
You can submit your interest through the volunteer interest form.
This event will occur the following dates in 2024.
- April 24th
- May 22nd
- June 26th
- July 24th
- August 28th
- September 25th
- October 23rd
- November TBD
- December TBD
No CCEUs will be provided.
What is For Coaches By Coaches Initiative?
For Coaches - By Coaches initiative brought to its members by ICF WA.
In this initiative, any coach member of ICF WA chapter, can bring forth a topic for an event or a session, which they have some level of expertise in. On the fourth Wednesday of every month, one of the coaches, who has made a submission, will be invited to co-host the session on the topic that they submitted, with ICF-WA. If you are interested in Co-Hosting a session with ICF-WA on a specific topic, please fill the form here.
Session FAQs
Who can volunteer as a presenter and co-host for a session of For Coaches By Coaches?
Anyone interested in presenting should complete the Interest Intake sheet. Submissions will be considered based on availability, alignment to our chapter's mission, and in context of other educational events and programs the chapter is offering. Submissions to the interest form are not guaranteed selection for leading a By Coaches For Coaches event. We reserve the right to decline topics.
How will I know I have been selected?
Co-director of Programming will be reaching out to all the coaches with submissions by end of the month in which we have received the submissions, conveying if they have been selected, and sharing 3 options of sessions. The coach member will have to then confirm their availability for one of the sessions, which will then get confirmed in the calendar along with their topic.
When will it be held?
Duration and Structure of each session
Will CCEUs be offered for these sessions?
What are the restrictions on advertising my business through this?
How will you measure the engagement and performance of the session? We use the following metrics and ways to get feedback and measure the performance of the session:
I would like to volunteer my time to support these sessions. What are the opportunities and how do I volunteer?
- We are looking for volunteers in multiple spaces, from hosting events, analyzing the participation data to selecting the sessions for Coaches Create.
You can submit your interest through the volunteer interest form.