The CORE of our Core Competencies
Tuesday, April 16th, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM PT
We begin with a basic (and brief) review of the Core Competencies so they are in the forefront of our thinking and awareness. Then we explore and establish which ones the group believes is the most powerful in a group discussion (typically different ones will pop up, and we will reveal how each response is true--and it may not be what you think.)
Then we explore the CORE components of our Core Competencies--revealing how it shows up easily and powerfully in our coaching, how they each enhance every single Core Competency and make the markers easy to access and reveal in our coaching.
We continue to deepen with exploring how specifically these CORE components appear in your actual coaching and how we access and know we’re doing them.
Coaches who attend the workshop will:
This also makes the ICF Exam easy.
In other words, this simple, yet extremely powerful structure/design will open up new levels and allow the coach to show up more confidently and truly BE the coach they are here to BE.
1.5 Core Competency
Sliding scale: $33, $25, $15
Non-members: $5 more
After registration you will receive a link to Zoom in email.
Ben Dooley, MCC
Ben Dooley is a Master Certified coach who trains, supports and grows coaches in as many ways as he can: with the bi-weekly “COACHING SKILLS FORUM” telecalls, the BeDo Bits Newsletter and his “MasterFull IS as MasterFull DOES” workbook series. He also has created a wide range of interactive and engaging coach growing workshops, webinars and teleclasses for ALL coaches like the one you’re going to get today. His powerful and unparalleled “MasterFull YOU Advanced Coach Training Program” targets “the Science, Artistry and Performance of our coaching,” and has catapulted many coaches to their next level and beyond.
He has trained and grown hundreds of coaches of all levels—from ACC to MCC—and presented to over 40 ICF chapters and conference events around the world. In fact, just about everything he does in the coaching world demonstrates his overwhelming commitment to helping coaches discover their powerful coaching magnificence, confidence and success. It’s simple: the world needs us to show up and BE the MasterFull coaches that we are here to BE and DO the MasterFull coaching that the world needs us to DO.
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